I'm the high school theater geek who found a niche in photography. I purchased the original 3 megapixel Canon Rebel X in 2005, like digital cameras, I've come a long way baby.
I started as a wedding photographer, using my directing skills to orchestrate groups and stage critical images. Eventually my brides had babies and needed headshots, so I expanded. And then I just kept stretching my skill set to meet the needs of others. Boudoir, pregnancy, products for small businesses and senior photos. Short of birthing babies and drone real estate, there isn't much that I won't photograph.
Art is just life, set building, costume design, writing and publishing a book, painting murals, culinary arts, prop construction, exploring new locations. If it's a creative pursuit, I'm all in.
I'm also a mom (pictured above) and a wife, I'm a fitness junkie, true crime nerd, always down for a coffee, goal setting, cheerleading hype gal. I'd live barefoot if it was seen as professional, and I love cut off denim shorts. I'll love your babies like they're my own, I think you're beautiful no matter how many flaws you see and I will root for you, because we all deserve to succeed.
I collect people, and memories and while yes, this job pays my bills, it feeds my soul. I understand that there are lots of photographers out there and I don't take for granted every time I am chosen.
I have a BA in business and have received training from Hanson Fong, Carl Caylor and the Colorado Photography workshop.
My wedding photography has been published in Arizona Weddings, featured in Buzzfeed and Pretty Brass Tacks.
As a portrait photographer I received the Nickelodeon Kid's Choice Award for family photographer in 2011.
My corporate catalog includes: Unmarked Beauty and Wellness, MEB Property Management, Orange Theory, SweetLeaf, Zen Nights, Chicken Alley and more local small businesses.
I am experienced with many locations and photography styles. The photograph style may differ from assignment to assignment, but my commitment to quality and craft is unwavering.